Despite setbacks , the thugs at the RIAA continue to chase down miscreants who choose to share music. Guess what, sports fans - there's a way to get free tunes that they can't do a damn thing about ! Live recordings, old music, new music, jazz, rock, country, world music - all free. All in formats unencumbered by "Digital Rights Management" (which is never about your rights). Not that I'm encouraging anyone to break the law. Far from it. Instead, hope over to and look around. This is a site dedicated to the notion , first espoused by Stewart Brand , that " information wants to be free ." It is arguably the world's largest library, with movies, music, text, historical artifacts; all digitally available, all . It is an astonishing project. Among the music archives are tens of thousands of streaming performances in the Live Music Archive , as well as recordings in other formats. Most of these are of regional bands you may have ne...