Shaking the branches of my family tree
I'm not sure I entirely understand this strange fascination with people rooting around their family tree. Is it that they want to find out if they are FamousPerson's 10th cousin twice removed? Or if FamousDeadPerson was their great, great, great, etc., aunt or uncle? Dot's late uncle Tom and a cousin whose name I can't remember both got completely into the geneology thing, each producing these massive documents of excruitatingly detailed relationships. Her cousin, who lives in New England, is one of those Mayflower wannabees, which is not to suggest that she's not a nice person. Her uncle: I can't explain. It all seems slightly weird, albeit in a harmlessly amusing sort of way. Family history is all well and good (I enjoy a good anecdote endlessly recounted over the dinner table as much as the next person), but this takes it a little beyond that point. Now my father, in his old fart years, has taken up this slightly loopy and obsessive pastime. His side of th...