In years past, by the time Texas holds its primary, both parties have anointed their chosen standard bearer. Tonight's elections were anybody's guess. And since attendance was up almost tenfold, who's to say that's a bad thing? Unlike my dear wife, who almost always votes early, I showed up this evening at 6:20, ready to vote and caucus. A word of explanation here: while some states hold a primary, and others have caucuses, my native land has both. Two-thirds of Texas' delegates are awarded based strictly on the primary vote outcome. The other third are awarded based on the outcome of the caucuses. Confusing? Yes. But that's how we roll here in the Lone Star state. After voting, I hung out out until after the polls closed, then gathered with others from my precinct in the gymnasium of a nearby grade school (a heart-warmingly Norman Rockwell scene). Perhaps the longest part of the whole caucus process was signing in with our candidate preferences. Our precinct wa...