Update: my would-be literary career

The road to literary success is a twisty little maze of passages, all different.

Week before last I sent an email query to a New York literary agent regarding my unpublished novel. I'd met this individual at a writer's conference last year, and she encouraged me to query her when I had a draft I considered finished. Lo and behold, about an hour after emailing her, I got back a response asking to see a 50 page partial. I mailed it last Monday

Alas, I received a follow up email today that said my book was a little too much of a thriller for her current list.

I have no complaint with her manner of doing business: while giving me a rejection she was encouraging and quick to reply to my thank you follow up. The whole process took less than 2 weeks, from the first email to the final depressing rebuff.

I admit -- I was slightly bummed. But I made myself a big fat martini and jumped right back into researching more agents.

Rejection: badge of honor!


Dan Brekke said…
A thriller? It must be set at Talala School. ...

Good for you, in any case, doctor.

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