My holiday portrait (for my Libertarian friends)

In case you've been wondering, I've taken on a new hobby -- tweaking the local Libertarian crowd, mostly at the blog of my good friend, the Whited Sepulchre . While I don't always (or even often) agree, the debate is lively and intelligent. In fact, some of my best writing these days is at his site, not mine (irony of ironies). The other day, I accorded the distinct honor of being the token Democrat guest blogger while the Whited Sepulchre was on vacation. For the most part the local Libertarian crowd are an intelligent, thoughtful bunch, passionate about their cause and ready to talk, sort of like political Jehovah's Witnesses. While not agreeing with them, I admire their commitment to the cause. One thing I've noted on various occasions is their hang-up with my icon. "As your hero, Trotsky..." they'll begin, as they spin some long drawn-out rant property rights. (By the way, this is Trotsky . As I've pointed out numerous times, any resemblance i...