The voting is over and we have a winner...

Two weeks ago I started a poll to let my readers (you know who you are) decide on which of my on-line representations to use: the Classic (old) Dr Ralph, or the New and not so improved Dr Ralph. Assuming you care, you can read about it elsewhere ; I see no point in boring people again. The voting is over, and the Classic Dr Ralph is the winner by a 7 to 1 margin. Which is to say there were 8 votes: 7 for Classic Ralph, 1 for New Ralph. I have to say, I'm glad we had one contrarian who went for New Ralph. As someone who spent the first third of his professional life in advertising, I'm not all that surprised. Anyone remember New Coke and the subsequent resurrection of Old Coke (which was quickly dubbed "Coke Classic") in the wake of public outcry? It happened over 25 years ago but is still an instructive object lesson to any one involved in marketing. There are many this primary season who would have benefited from reviewing this case study. I part...