Buddy Guy at Main Street Arts Festival

I confess...now that I am a sedentary old fart, I don't much like going to outdoor Rock music events. I've been to enough to know how miserable they can be.

Case in point: last year I blew off going to the Crossroads Guitar Festival in Dallas, since I had no desire to suffer in the heat all day only to sit in my car for hours longer, waiting to escape the crappy parking. I still think I made the right choice on that one.

To slightly make up for it, I took my guitar-playing youngest son to hear Buddy Guy tonight at the Main Street Arts Festival. Damn, can that man play guitar.

Knowing parking would be a bitch, I parked and we walked for 15 minutes to get to the stage area. This turned out to be a Good Plan.

We got there about 9 and heard the last 30 minute of Johnnie Red and the Roosters. They were hot: old men, but old men who knew how to boogie. They left the stage and we waited for Buddy Guy.

He came on around 10:10 and immediately jumped into it, playing Down, Down, Down. His 2nd number melded into one of his signature pieces, Sweet Home Chicago. From that point on, he could do no wrong.

Unfortunately we were standing the whole time, which got old (my left leg went numb). But we had a great view of the stage. At one point, Buddy had some choice words for an un-named Dallas Morning News journalist who wrote something he felt was unflattering re: his performance at Crossroads Guitar Festival.

The crowd was enthusiastic and so was Buddy; he offered to play as long as we wanted him to, but the stagehands' union probably felt otherwise. He played until just after 11:30, which was about right amount (at least for me - my feet hurt).

We hiked back to the car, a good time being had by all.


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