Annual Review
So I had my annual review yesterday at work. For the record, everybody, EVERYBODY hates these--reviewers and reviewees. I went in not expecting much, based on my previous mid-year review. Long story short: I got the equivalent to a C+. All the traits that I value in myself (my honesty, my creativity, my ability to get along with people) I got high marks in. My downfall was in the areas in which I put little stock. My supervisor, who I manage to more or less get along with, is fairly clueless when it comes to what motivates me. So I guess in a certain sense it was a fair review. I came out of it feeling annoyed. I thought about my annoyance with my review and came to an interesting conclusion. I had been given a gift. I had been reminded of something I've known for a long time: despite being able to do what I do fairly well, I need to be doing something else. My department, for all the lip service it pays to things like this, has very little use for creativity. Our new CIO announc...