It is an urban legend and somewhat of journalistic cliche that Eskimos have a large number of words for "snow." which somehow belies the importance of snow in Eskimo life. If this be the case, consider the number of words in our capitalist system related to moving from the state of employment to unemployment. For starters, there is " losing one's job " (whoops, it was here a minute ago), as if it the poor unfortunate merely misplaced his livelihood. Then consider the personal violence inherent in the following: fired , discharged , axed , cut , given the boot , and of course, terminated . British workers find themselves " sacked ," and when collecting unemployment, they go " on the dole ." It's important to distinguish whether the separation was for cause ( fired! ) or merely bad business conditions ( laid off ). Of particular interest is the term " given the pink slip " or more simply " pink-slipped. " According ...