Tour de France -- as reported by Dan Brekke

Now for something completely different...a report on California fans of the Tour de France, as reported by Dan Brekke on San Francisco NPR station KQED.

Why, you may be asking.

Simple, really. Dan is old high school buddy of mine. I last saw him on his way to San Francisco, when I lived in beautiful Isla Vista. This was about 1979.

Although Dan and I email periodically, it was fun hearing his voice. His blog, Infospigot, is worth a read, and a damned good counterbalance to all this Libertarian wackiness I find myself surrounded by of late.


Dan Brekke said…
Herr Doktor, that's pretty nice of you to post that. Thanks. I've been getting a kick out of doing the sound stories in addition to my stock in trade, the written word. Let's see if they let me try again.
Dr Ralph said…
I thought it pretty cool...BTW, you've got a good radio voice. Who woulda thunk it?

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