Adventures in Music and ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive

Thanks to my friend T-Dawg who tipped me off to the Adventures in Music Online series over at BoingBoing, guestblogged by Stephen Worth of the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive. Lots of embedded YouTube videos, so the page is a little slow to load, but definitely worth the effort!

Here's the video from Adventure 15 - The "Boffo Finish", which will hopefully whet your appetite. The Nicholas Brothers will astonish you!

Stephen Worth makes an interesting point about the cultural illiteracy of today's entertainment consumersm, which he refers to as "pop culture amnesia."

I ran into that the other day when I mentioned to a 30-something co-worker that I was going to a Django Reinhardt festival. "Who?" was their response. My youngest son won't bother to watch a movie if it's in black and white, on what I can only assume is the theory that something that old will have nothing to say to him.

Complaining about it makes me feel like an old fart.

Check out the other videos at BoingBoing -- well worth the visit. Also, be sure and visit the ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive -- lots of good stuff to be found there as well.


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