At last, the bitch(er) is back

 I just checked and the last time I updated this thing was in October 2017.

Why was I gone so long? Call me lazy, or a coward, or just not willing to shout outrage into the shitstorm thunderstorm that America under our previous grifter-in-chief had become. A man could go permanently hoarse yelling that much. It was a mental health decision on my part, okay?

But now I'm back. Things still suck a lot (<cough>Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz, Mitch McConnell</cough>) but they don't suck as much as they did last year. Plus I retired from Sisyphean Corp last year after 20 years of whining and having a steady income, and God only knows there's nothing the Internet needs more than another old white guy with too much time on his hands pissing and moaning about what's wrong with the world on his blog.

So don't expect much. 

I've given up the world of IT and resumed my past life as a painter, which is fun. If you know anything about me In Real Life, you can probably find my website(s) and see what I'm up to. Otherwise, it will just be one of life's little mysteries.  

Thanks for checking on me. 

PS. I'll see if I can update the design on the site, now that I have nothing to do. It's pretty long in the tooth.  Never mind. I've updated the design. About time.


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