Google Maps and Katrina

I am constantly amazed and impressed with the people behind Google.

A friend send me an email asking what the name of the site was that had the maps that let you see satellite images, because a friend was forced to evacuate and wanted to see how much damage they had sustained. I started to respond that it was Google Maps (with the URL) but cautioned the images were typically a couple of years old. I was about to hit the send button when I decided to make sure.

I entered "New Orleans, LA" on the location. In addition to the Map, Satellite, and Hybrid views was a button with a new view: Katrina, in bright red: satellite views of New Orlean AFTER the hurricane. What's available is currently pretty limited, but the fact that it's there at all is amazing.

Most chilling: flipping between pre- and post-Katrina views of the Superdome. In the post-Katrina view the ripped up roof is clearly visible.

On a couple of side notes, I went with my youngest and a couple of his buddies to AnimeFest at the Reunion Hyatt in Dallas, a few blocks from Reunion Arena, which is home to approximately 15,000 evacuees. There were a bunch of buses and emergency vehicles parked nearby on the street. As we left we saw a long cue of cars lined up to drop off things at Reunion Arena.

Yesterday, back in Ft Worth, I heard the sound of an unfamiliar aircraft (when you live in a major air traffic area you notice these things) and ran out to see a C-41 transport heading northwest. You don't see these very often and I'm guessing it was doing relief work.


mtaaris said…
how come i was not alerted for anime fest??

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