Novel update (I've lost count of which)

I'm making slow but steady progress on the rewrite. I'm about half way through the ~400 pages. It's interesting how much it has changed. One previously secondary character (a heavy at that) has become a sympathetic primary character. I'm deleting vast sections and writing whole new scenes. This is a good thing.

The issue before long is going to be that I'm going to have to re-write the first third of the book -- again. But again, this is a good thing.

Complicating all this is that I've started painting again and have let my charming bride tell people I'm having an "open studio" at the end of the summer. So that I don't publicly humiliate myself by having nothing new to show, I'm busy making art AND writing.

If only I didn't have to work, I'd be a pretty successful person.

My writers' group has universally judged the title --"Eye Pee" -- to be sucky. So I'm trolling around for a NEW title. So far, "No Resistance" is the front runner. That's the name of a song that figures in the course of things. It's actually a song I wrote when I was about 20, which I cleverly made a song one of the characters wrote when HE was 20.

I never throw anything away.


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