Bill Gates semi-retires

Microsoft announced Bill Gates is going to transition out of his day-to day role at Microsoft to spend more time focusing on his Foundation efforts. The Slashdot crowd (who I love) alternately sneered and cheered.

Me, I thought it was just fine. I mean, geez...the guy's been doing the Microsoft thing for (what has it been?) 30 years? He's probably ready to pack it it, buy himself a dual boot MacBook, and enjoy himself and his family for a while. In the meantime, he's going to give a shitload of money away to help improve life for a lot of people.

Some have compared him to the Robber Barons of the 19th century who, in their old age turned philanthropist. Who cares? Andrew Carnegie sure did start a bunch of libraries which are still serving communities.

Steve Ballmer, now HE'S probably pissed!

Have fun, Bill!


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