Tales from the Dilbert Zone

A couple of weeks ago I get an email from the vendor of this software product I'm saddled with managing. They've organized a user group meeting - the first ever - in Minnesota. I forward to my boss with a note saying this sounds like a good thing and asking if I should go. My boss's evolving response:

  • Two weeks ago - "There's always a lot of useful information at those events. It sounds like a good thing for you to attend. Let me get back to you next week "

  • One week ago - "It would probably be a good thing for you or someone to attend. With everything you're involved in, I'm not sure we can spare the time for you to go. I'll get back to you next week."

  • This week - "These user groups are really more about networking than anything else. So I'm going instead."

The good news? It means he's out of my hair for a day and a half.


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