Great moments in tech support

The application I babysit at work has been having "issues" (code word for "fucking up"). A colleague contacted the vendor's tech support and they recommended we install a patch.

Eyebrows raised all around.

In reading the release notes, the following gems were uncovered:
...the hashcode functions in these classes are horrendous.

[blank] was the customer that profiled our code to find this issue. Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually profile our own code instead of having to have our customers do it for us?

We forwarded this to my boss who then passed it on to our account rep with a solemn pronouncement. She reported back that these comments were the work of a "disgruntled employee" who no longer worked there.

You think?


Dr Ralph said…
...And the sad thing is such refreshing honesty is dismissed as the work of the disgruntled. Are we to assume the rest of their workers are properly gruntled?

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