Molly Ivins: raising hell in heaven now

The last few years have been hard on a fair number of us who claim Texas as our home and birthplace. The Dixie Chicks aren't the only ones ashamed to have the former governor of Texas squatting in the White House, remaking America's image like a child smearing feces on his walls.

We might have the shame of George W. Bush, but thank God we got to claim Molly Ivins!

Sadly she passed away January 31, 2007, of breast cancer. After being treated for it in 1999, she observed, "First they poison you; then they mutilate you; then they burn you. I've had more fun."

With the passing of Ann Richards, former governor and another quick wit, we've lost two of the great voices of Texas liberalism, leaving us with the likes of Tom DeLay, former congressman and rat poisoner, and Rick "Governor Goodhair" Perry. Why are all our women smart and funny and our men mean-spirited or stupid?

Almost makes me wish I was a woman.

Swinging at the forces of evil until the end, she said in her last column, January 11, "We are the people who run this country. We are the deciders. And every single day, every single one of us needs to step outside and take some action to help stop this war. Raise hell. Think of something to make the ridiculous look ridiculous. Make our troops know we're for them and trying to get them out of there."

A smattering on Ms. Ivins, written with more care and patience than I possess:

The curious thing about her writing (as with much of the most radical political writing) is that if you get right down to it, it seems extremely reasonable.

Why is that?


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