The holidays are upon us

The trouble with days off is that, like many other pain-killers, too many and you run the risk of becoming habituated. Then when the pain-killer runs out, withdrawal sets in.

It's now the Monday night after Thanksgiving and I've been off since Wednesday. Tomorrow I have to appear back in the office. God, what an awful thought. The only thing lessening this horror is that my supervisor (who, darn it, I like --I just don't like working for him) is out of the office until Wednesday. It's sort of like being sent to hell but getting to stand in the lobby for a few eons as you get acclimated.

Or something like that.

Thanksgiving was sort of a wild day and set the tone for the days ahead. The Wife got the bug to visit her sister (in London) and scored a free airline pass from a friend who retired from American Airlines. Long story short, she's left Ed and me bachelors for the next month. We drove her to the airport on Thanksgiving Day while listening to Alice's Restaurant (this is becoming our Thanksgiving tradition, along with the annual whitebread/cornbread dressing debate).

Airport traffic, usually a bitch, was light, since Thanksgiving Day itself is a pretty good time to travel -- most people are already where they want to be by T-Day. After hugs and kisses at Terminal D, Ed and I high-tailed it back to finish making our contribution to the family dinner: mashed potatoes and green bean casserole.

The following days I mostly went to bed around 3 A.M. I wish I could say I worked like a fiend on my Nanowrimo Novel, but alas, I did not. Instead, I watched junk TV and fiddled with my computer, setting up a streaming audio server and tagging MP3s. Dumb shit.

I pissed away the last 6 days. And now it is 11:00 P.M.

Since I must go to work in the morning, I won't be staying up until 3:00. At least if I go to bed soon there is the possibility of dying in my sleep, thereby ending the need to drag my ass back to the office.


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