National Novel Writing Month - 2007 edition

Once again I've fallen for the lure of the ultimate writing challenge -- 50,000 words in thirty days -- that is NaNoWriMo. So far I'm, er, a little behind target. I should, by all that is reasonable, be writing now: to date I've got about half the word count that I should at this point. Still, I'm making progress, albeit slowly.

Not to get into plot divulging, but this year's effort has several story elements well known to me: computers, the arts, selling one's soul, etc. The drippy romantic subplot stuff sucks at this point (but will get better in the rewrites). I'm taking the tack that this rough draft is more or less a glorified skeleton of the plot -- it's light on texture and nuance. Again, that will be fleshed out on subsequent drafts.

This year's primary challenge: my real job, which continues to nick away at my life essence.


Dan Brekke said…
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Dan Brekke said…
Hey, good for you. I've seen this thing, but haven't taken the plunge yet.

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