...And now they begin to eat their own

I'd heard this and scratched my head...

Ron Paul, long-time Libertarian hero and current U.S. Representative from Houston (Republican) is facing a trio of  Tea Party infused challengers in Tuesday's Republican primary. They say he's "gone Washington."

I thought only the Democrats ate their own kind.

It's a funny old world...


Dr. Paul has been the solitary "No" vote more often than any other congressman in history.

He recently gave BACK $100,000 of his budget for office/administration and staff expenses, because he runs a very tight ship. (This alone, I think is enough to give hope to the concept that if the Libertarians ever come to power, it would be different.)

He has, however, participated in some earmarking, with the excuse that his district dumps slop into the feed trough, and should be allowed to eat slop from the feed trough.

He must atone. Hence, the competitors for his seat.

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