NBC gives TCU the bum's rush

This happened a couple of days ago but I've been under the weather and it still gripes my ass.

If you were a loyal TCU fan (I'm an alumni) and foolishly chose to watch the Rose Bowl Parade on NBC / channel 5 here in the Dallas/Fort Worth television market you probably waited patiently to see the TCU float and Horned Frog marching band. Alas, you would have been rewarded with bitterness.

About 30 seconds before the Frogs came a marching, NBC decided to cut away for a couple of minutes of commercials, huzzah!  After they return to parade coverage after pimping for their sponsors, you could hear the faint strains of the Horn Frogs fading into the distance.


All we get is about 5 seconds of a tape-delay insert shot. No float.


To which I say, "What the fuck?"

They had a list of the parade participants and the order in which they appeared - it's not like TCU snuck up on them. Some jack-leg producer just decided if ONE OF THE FUCKING SCHOOLS IN THE GAME was snubbed no one would care.

And even more ironically, it was the school that went on to win!

I went to the comments section of the NBC website to voice my displeasure and got back the standard "Thanking-you-for-sharing-but-this-email-goes-straight-to-our-trash" type auto-reply.

Folks in Fort Worth are using social media to organize a parade in honor of our reigning champions.

You can bet I won't be watching it on the NBC affiliate.


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