What losing presidential candidates do (Libertarian edition)

Much has been said by some of my Libertarian friends about Al Gore's career as a shill for the global-warming crowd after losing the 2000 election to George W Bush.

Let's take a look at what Bob Barr, our latest losing Libertarian candidate for president, is doing now.

CNN has a story today about former Haitian dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier, who wants to use $5.7 million in frozen Swiss bank accounts belonging to a "family foundation" to help rebuild Haiti. Baby Doc, in case your Haitian history is a little rusty, inherited the position of President from his late father, "Papa Doc," in 1971 and held it for 15 years until his countrymen threw him out. While marginally better than Papa Doc, Baby Doc lived like a playboy, looted the struggling nation's treasury, and allowed his father's cronies to continue to run the country. Under his rule thousands of Haitians were killed or tortured.

Now representing the Former President of Haiti is Former Presidential Candidate Bob Barr. Responding to allegations against Duvalier of corruption, torture and murder, Barr replies "I deal with allegations all the time. They are the cheapest commodity on the market."

I guess this is an example of the free market's Invisible Hand.


Dan Brekke said…
Duvalier's bank account must be pretty eloquent to talk a principled operator like Barr into this job. Amusing to see the way he dismisses "allegations." That stuff was the coin of the realm when Barr was going after Bill Clinton.

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