
Finished, earlier this year, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, by Michael Chabon, about a couple of guys who create comics during the 1930's and 40's. I found it on the discount table at the Kellogg Ave Barnes and Noble in Wichita, Kansas, during my tenure up there last year. It went on to win a Pulitzer prize. A good book, by turns funky and moving, written by the guy who wrote Wonder Boys.

Currently attempting to read Neal Stephenson's CRYPTONOMICON, which is a great read for the likes of me -- lots of geeky in jokes and the like -- but hard to get a lot of momentum with, since I'm trying to write my own geeky novel (see previous posts).

Oh yes, (sigh) The Novel. I've made scant progress since the end of November (now up to ~54,000 pages). I have made numerous handwritten notes, attempting to figure out how I will wrap this thing up.

Last night's interruption was watching 'Shaun of the Dead' with Ed and John, a very amusing film. Not high art, but I've gotten somewhat tired of high art. Must be why I don't paint anymore.

My goal is to be more or less finished with the first draft by the first of the year. Potentially doable. Probably hard, given the fact that, unlike November, I will NOT be able to be a recluse over the Christmas break, working on the book. Of course, I am choosing not to think about the reality of what happens after the first draft: editing, seeking comment from friends, more editing, and then....well, the thought is enough to make a person uninstall their word processor.

Still, one day at a time.


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