The end of the Novel...Inching to the finish
Interesting weekend...A mix of productiveness and wasted time.
Friday I couldn't tell you what I did. Watched a movie or something on TV, made dinner, threw away some miscellaneous junk ... It all fades into a blur. I recollect it was vaguely wife-pleasing. Ed had a buddy sleep over.
Saturday, while D was off watching films at a church sponsored film festival, I did a little on the book (VERY little), read some of the semi-crappy Bruce Sterling novel I'm plowing through, read the paper.
BTW, D and I are both on something of a news strike. This began when Bush won the election. In the interest of keeping my sense of free-floating rage down, I've given up listening to news on the radio or watching it on TV. Stupid, but it works. I still read the paper every morning but I can scan/skip the most outrageous stuff if I need/want to.
After Ed's buddy left, he continued to rag at me to upgrade his memory from 384 meg to 512 meg. This was because Worlds of Warcraft r...