The end of the Novel...Inching to the finish

Interesting weekend...A mix of productiveness and wasted time.

Friday I couldn't tell you what I did. Watched a movie or something on TV, made dinner, threw away some miscellaneous junk ... It all fades into a blur. I recollect it was vaguely wife-pleasing. Ed had a buddy sleep over.

Saturday, while D was off watching films at a church sponsored film festival, I did a little on the book (VERY little), read some of the semi-crappy Bruce Sterling novel I'm plowing through, read the paper.

BTW, D and I are both on something of a news strike. This began when Bush won the election. In the interest of keeping my sense of free-floating rage down, I've given up listening to news on the radio or watching it on TV. Stupid, but it works. I still read the paper every morning but I can scan/skip the most outrageous stuff if I need/want to.

After Ed's buddy left, he continued to rag at me to upgrade his memory from 384 meg to 512 meg. This was because Worlds of Warcraft ran choppily. After doing this memory swap, we got a Windows error. After LOTS of fooling around with Windows, then Seagate diagnostics, determined the 40 gig drive he had was beginning to die.

Oh my.

Have I ever mentioned how I hate being amateur tech support? So I told Ed I would see if I had a drive in the studio he could use (found a 20 gig drive). Sunday he and I re-installed Windows, one of my favorite things to do. Here's the order in which he installed, which tells you a lot about his priorities:
  • Windows
  • Worlds of Warcraft
  • Windows SP2 (necessary for the next item)
  • Latest video card drivers
  • Firefox
  • Anti-virus software
By Sunday afternoon, he was back online. Somewhere in between all this, we finished watching disks 3 & 4 of season 3 of Alias.

Sunday night (while working on the Novel, see below) I helped John work on his application to UT. He sort of decided to apply at the last possible minute, having already completed his UNT application. I'm not sure he really wants to go to UT, he just wants be accepted, so he doesn't feel like he's going to UNT because it was the only school he got accepted at.

Sunday afternoon through Sunday night, I spent working on the Novel. Made good progress; hit around 67,500 words. More importantly, wrote the final, big climax. Geez, was that a bite to write. I had to keep telling myself: this is the first draft; first drafts always suck. I still have some concluding stuff to write, as well as some stuff for the secondary plot arc, but the finish is in sight!

My goal: by Valentine's Day, be ready to start on second draft.



mtaaris said…
I am wondering if the wife pleasing and the buddy sleep over correlated??

As always,

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