So why isn't Robert Novak in the slammer?

I've been following, despite my personal news strike, the Valerie Plame story and I'm puzzled. So far, we've got NY Times reporter Judith Miller in jail, Time Magazine reporter Matt Cooper reluctantly agreeing to reveal sources, White House Prince of Darkness Karl Rove decrying he did anything wrong, all because Robert Novak, citing two Bush administration officials, revealed the identity of a CIA agent in his column.

Okay, here's what I don't get: Robert Novak, who wrote the column, appears to have remained above the fray.

Why the hell doesn't the Justice Department subpoena his ass? Have I missed something here?

It makes a body wonder.

Meanwhile, Karl Rove is getting ever closer to that dangerous state of being so great a political liability that even a half-wit like his boss can sense it's time to jettison the bastard.



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