War of the Worlds

Saw War of the Worlds this afternoon with Ed. A pretty amazing film. It has been called by many the first truly post-9/11 movie . An interesting point made in the article above is that every production of this story seems to make concrete the paranoia of the age when it was produced.

Orson Welles's 1938 radio adaptation, for example, fed off fears about Hitler and what was at the time the "European War." The George Pal (of Puppetoon fame) version done in the 1950's was about Cold War paranoia. And in this version, after the first attack, the character of Tom Cruise's terrified daughter wants to know "was it terrorists?"

Rod Dreher (who I'm no fan of), writing in the Dallas Morning news, said "From now on, when people ask me what it was like to be in New York on Sept. 11, I'll tell them, 'Like the first hour of War of the Worlds.'"

The scenes of destruction of the cities were amazing, thought Spielberg resisted the temptation to have skyscrapers in major urban areas collapse. Thank you, Steven. Not that there isn't plenty of unbelievable destruction. The scene where the attack first begins is jaw-dropping.

Acting is very good--Dakota Fanning (as the daughter) was great. Tom Cruise plays a jerk exceedingly well.

Much violence and mayhem, so if that is not your cup of tea, well, you've been warned.


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