Duck Amuck

I confess one of the things I'm thankful for in my undeserving life is that the Morning Snooze carries the bitterly unfunny "comic" Mallard Fillmore only on Sunday, so I don't have to grit my teeth every single day at its grumpy rants at all things Liberal ("Liberal" being anyone to the left of Bill O'Reilly).

It's like a train wreck: on Sunday morning I want to avert my gaze but try as I may, I can't help but look at it, thinking "Surely it's bound to be funny sometime."

It's not.

Calling it a comic is a stretch -- Indiana creator Bruce Tinsley spews tired Reagan-era babble out of the mouths of talking heads. There is no action, no plot, and not much drawing -- mainly it consists of lots of hand-written screeds masquerading as guffaw-filled dialog.

My father probably thinks it's hilarious.

Comics Curmudgeon (my new favorite blog) had a brief mention of Mr. Tinsley this morning, who managed to get himself picked up for DUI. Seeing his mug shot, I begin to understand why the Duck is not particularly funny.

I can only guess he's managed to carve out a living providing nervous editors with a way to appear "balanced" on the funny pages. Shame on them.

The Comic Curmudgeon comments has some good comments, along with a smattering of kneejerk outrage by shrill right-wingers ("Ted Kennedy! Chappaquidick!"). The IndyStar comments are equally interesting. The term "Schadenfreude" seems to pop up again and again.

He's not the first judgmental reactionary to fail to live up to the standards he set for others. Since this is reportedly his 2nd arrest on alcohol-related in 6 months, it sounds like he's got a problem. I hope he deals with it before he hurts someone - himself or others.

If not for himself, for his family.


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