Slinking towards Christmas

We all have events that mark the beginning of the holiday season. For Wal-Mart executives it seems to be the passing of the 4th of July. For me it is my church's annual Messiah sing -- I've been a part of it for around 16 years. This year was especially fun since my 15-year old is now in the youth choir and sat next to me.

Of course his participation is not without occasional grumbling, which meant I was subjected to glares and eye-rolling from time to time, but it was worth it to hear him sing.

He's good.

He and I also went out and snagged a Christmas tree after church. This was relatively early in the Advent season for us. There have been years (I confess) where to save a few bucks I waited until the last minute. I come by this tradition honestly: I remember my dad and me scouring the tree lots in sub-zero weather in suburban Chicago one Christmas eve, he'd put off buying a tree so long.

Maybe that's why I like to wait until the weather gets cold before buying a tree. Somehow shopping for Christmas trees when the temperature is in the mid-60's just doesn't seem right. Cold weather also speeds up the decision-making process tremendously (something my kids tire of hearing me say every year).

So after we negotiated on our choice of tree, then paid way too much (for something that will be mulch in a few short weeks), we headed home.

The cats were all immediately interested -- too interested, I think. I'm going to keep a can of compressed air nearby to blow their way should they let their curiosity get out of hand / paw.

We got lights on it last night after the Messiah sing, and tonight perhaps we decorate.


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