Not everyone wants a picture, not everyone has a clue

I find the reaction to the Bush v. Webb flare up interesting. In case you've missed it, newly elected senator from Virginia James Webb, after passing on standing in line for a photo op with The President, found himself experiencing a little unasked for face time with the former Governor of Texas.

According to accounts, GWB (no doubt flashing his well documented smirk) found Webb and tried a little small talk. "How's your boy?" Webb's son, as is probably well known by now, is a marine serving in Iraq.

"I'd like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President," was Webb's reply.

"That's not what I asked you," Bush pressed on. "How's your boy?"

"That's between me and my boy, Mr. President," said Webb, ending the conversation.

Predictably the voices on the right are in a snit over what they perceive as the "hot-headed" and rude behavior of the Senator from Virginia. I'm sure Bill O'Reilly has been all over this, in his usual plain-speaking (i.e. out his lower body cavity) way.

My take? I think Jim Webb showed considerable restraint.

He's got a son sitting in arguably one of the more dangerous places on earth right now because of the Bush administration's serial falsehoods and incompetence. And guess what: he doesn't feel like making small talk to the thuggish frat-boy who's responsible for him being in harm's way. And after letting him know that, Bush boorishly presses the issue with a remark that can only be characterized as pushy and arrogant.

New reports now suggest that Bush had just been warned by Senator Jim Moran not to bring up the subject of Webb's son, who had recently escaped serious injury.

And the other question that begs to be asked: who reported this exchange to the press? Despite their denials, one suspects someone within the Bush Whitehouse started circulating it. It smells of the low and cynically crummy sort of shit pulled by Karl "Turd-Blossom" Rove.

Mr. Rove and Mr. Bush, next time you slink around trying to co-opt someone, don't go whining about "respect for the office" and civility in public office when they stand up to your smirking obnoxiousness.


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