University of the Cumberlands to Broadway Youth: Get off my lawn!

Once again I must thank the Whited Sepulchre for bringing this to my attention (I'll try not to shamelessly rip him off).

University of the Cumberlands, a Southern Baptist affiliated college in Kentucky has caught wind of the fact that Broadway Baptist (where Whited Sepulchre and my heresies are tolerated) has been ex-communicated from the Southern Baptist Convention for insufficient hatred of gay folks. University of the Cumberlands was to host the Broadway youth choir for part of their summer choir tour.

That was last week.

According to Whited Sepulchre (who is unusually well-connected) and legitimate news sources, a Cumberlands spokesperson called, days away from the choir's departure, with the news the choir would no longer be welcome.

As part of their trip, the youth were to perform mission work with Mountain Outreach, a UC program that builds housing for poor in the Appalachians. The Mountain Outreach web site says "In keeping with the tradition of the program, no experience is needed to be a Mountain Outreach volunteer—only a willingness to learn and to help others."

Hmm...guess someone forgot to tell them about the religious eligibility test.

The University does have other eligibility tests they fail to mention. President Jim Taylor's greeting says, "Everyone here ... is interested in helping you achieve not only your educational goals but also your goals for personal and spiritual growth."

Tell that to Jason Johnson, the dean's list sophomore theatre arts major ousted 2006 because he foolishly revealed he was gay on his MySpace page. In this case President Jim said, "At University of the Cumberlands, we hold students to a higher standard than does society in general...University of the Cumberlands isn't for everyone."

Well I guess so.

The University of the Cumberlands takes pride in their educational mission. The question is: do these Pharisees realize the lesson they are teaching?


I will go to my grave bitterly remembering your phrase "The Whited Sepulchre and LEGITIMATE NEWS SOURCES".
Dr Ralph said…
Please don't consider this a slur against your parents.
Dr Ralph said…
PS: I thought it was the funniest line in the post. Not that I'd set the bar very high in the first place.

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