Toronto - Home again

Back from my trip to Toronto, where number one son is now in the dorm. Classes start on the 3rd.

We spent considerable time one night trying to find classes to add to his schedule. This was a challenge, since almost all were already closed. Still, we managed.

Getting a cellphone proved to be a bit of a challenge - the Canadian providers all want to nickel and dime you to death adding features that came by default with our current US provider. So I'm still working it out.

York was founded in 1959 and the campus architecture was largely cheery late Bauhaus - very European. Although fairly removed from Toronto proper, it is well connected via bus and subway.

We made our way from the hotel where we were staying to the campus via Toronto's subway and bus system. Other than the time involved, it worked flawlessly. When we were finished on campus, I made my way back to the airport using public transport as well. As a comparison: we took a cab to the hotel from the airport which cost $51 (plus) tip Canadian. The trip to the campus cost $5.50 (tw0 fares) and the trip back to the airport another $5.50 (another two fares). And it was dead easy.

The flight back on Air Canada was delayed by about half an hour, and upon landing we cooled our wheels sitting on a runway, waiting for a plane to get out of the gate we were supposed to be deplaning from. Aside from the delays, the flight was okay.

Here's hoping the spring semester is a good one for our expatriate scholar.


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